Congratulations on surviving the Mayan Apocalypse! I say screw the Mayans, bunch’a woosies.
I’m considering trying to blog again. Facebook is ok but there are thoughts rattling around in my head that should perhaps be published elsewhere.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We sure did, with a new member joining the Hooz Clan; ‘The Bean’ arrived in time to enjoy Christmas with the rest of the extended Family. Best present -Ever-. Welcome aboard, Bean!
Amongst the loot under the tree were a pile of books with my name on ‘em. I finished two already; The Sword of the Lady by S.M. Stirling and Monster Hunter Alpha by Larry Correia. Both were very good reads and deserve two thumbs up. Being a
Speaking of Larry Correia- wrote a fantastic opinion piece about the gun control mess. I can’t recommend it enough, so go forth and read the whole damned thing. It’s making the rounds and got him invited onto Mike Huckabee’s show. Check it out-
That’s enough for today. I’ll leave you with this picture that tickled me.