Online Learning: Teach Yourself Python in Less Than 4 Months, Part I
The purpose of this article is to lay out a general time management template for anyone who wants to jump in to programming and computer science with little or no experience in the field. A future article will flesh out the details, providing links to learning resources and other materials freely available online. [Edit: See the second article in the series, which covers learning benchmarks for beginner Python programmers.]
Online Learning: A Bachelor's Level Computer Science Program Curriculum
A few months back we took an in-depth look at MIT’s free online Introduction to Computer Science course, and laid out a self-study time table to complete the class within four months, along with a companion post providing learning benchmarks to chart your progress. In the present article, I'll step back and take a much more broad look at com-sci course offerings available for free on the internet, in order to answer a deceptively straightforward question: is it possible to complete the equivalent of a college bachelor’s degree in computer science through college and university courses that are freely available online? And if so, how does one do so?